The Trenton Community A-Team (TCAT), located at 51 N. Stockton St. in the heart of the Old Trenton Neighborhood (OTN), is pleased to announce that Super DJ Ella Darr will perform at TCAT’s launch of its Studio 51 Community Panel/Mural Painting project on September 15th from 12 Noon – 6:00 PM. A community-built set of artistic murals bordering the TCAT courtyard at 51 N. Stockton St., the mural project showcases the talent of TCAT artists as they beautify the OTN neighborhood. And the public is welcome to join us for food, music, and fun as we make Trenton beautiful again and support our local artists at the same time. Many of TCAT artists’ paintings and other artworks will be available for sale with a majority of all proceeds going directly to the artists.
About Ella Darr
A DJ and music producer from Israel and based in New York, Ella Darr performs at popular venues such as Up & Down, Electric Room, Jia, No. 8 and PHD Dream to name a few and will be playing in Trenton for the first time to bring her popular sound to the TCAT opening. As winner of Israel’s Next Top Model, Ella achieve much success with her photographic expositions leading to a global exhibit entitled SlideLuck PotShow and her “Radio Time” series. She credits her flair for singing, guitar and composition to her father, a world-renowned classical guitarist, singer and composer
About TCAT
Formed in 2014, the 501c(3) non-profit “Trenton Community A-TEAM" (TCAT) has created additional opportunities for the group of self-taught, local Trenton artists that got their start at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) twenty years ago and needed a larger space and more supplies to grow their talents. TCAT recently hired NYC artist Marcus Maximus Mera to expand TCAT activities to include hosting a minimum of 10 art-related community events each year. Although the artists continue to meet at TASK on Tuesdays and display their work at TASK, the artists are now able to work and exhibit their artwork at Studio 51 on North Stockton Street in studio space available throughout each week. Several of the artists are already planning to lead arts and craft classes for their neighbors in and around the new Studio 51. Visit our website
For further information
And sponsorship opportunities contact Marcus Mera at (929) 371-0627 or email him at
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