Sharon Jackson
Born: July 20, 1964
Lambertville, New Jersey
Art was something I did as a teenager, but I put it on the back burner. It just came to my knowledge again when my mother mentioned the art classes at the soup kitchen.
I wanted to start my own project where I’d go into the parks around my neighborhood and get children to do art. Then, I’d put up little art exhibits. Now, I’ve started the project at Moody Park, and soon I’ll do it at another park.
Mostly I do my art at home when I have nothing else to do. My mother inspires me. She’s an artist and not just in painting. She’s a gifted person.
I feel confident in my artwork. I like doing sceneries, faces, animals and plants – everything. Doing art takes my stress away. I also dance and do martial arts. Martial arts relax me and when I dance, I release all my energy.